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France has issued many of the most beautiful stamps over history and its legacy was kept for decades. Each stamp is a masterpiece with much of history, culture, art and more. Here are some of the most beautiful French sheets related to medicine from the huge collection I have ... enjoy.

Special Series

  These are some full sheets from Dr Amir's private collection with nice stamp information. I have special passion for full sheet collection and these are examples displayed according to country of issue. I will post more on constant basis ISA.

NB. Click on stamp for full information.

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Fight against cancer Henri Becquerel Radioactivity 1896


Antoine Henri Becquerel ( December 15, 1852 , Paris - August 25, 1908 , Le Croisic, France) is a French physicist. He was awarded half the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics (shared with Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie ).


Stamp from 1946

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20200424_132021 Baron Antoine Portal Aca

One hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the National Academy of Medicine 


Baron Antoine Portal , born in Gaillac on January 5, 1742 and died in Paris on July 23, 1832 , is a doctor, anatomist, biologist and historian of French medicine, whose close relations with Louis XVIII - he was the king's first doctor - enabled the creation of the Academy of Medicine. It was Emilie de Vialar's grandfather, thanks to the legacy from which she was able to start her hospital congregation.


Stamp from 1971

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Maurice de Broglie, ( 04/27/1875 - 07/14/1960 ) discovered, in 1913, the spectrum of X rays, obtained the reflection on the reticular planes of a crystal, invented the rotating crystal method. The formula appearing on the stamp (? W = h?) Is the basis of the work on quantum mechanics.


Stamp from 1970

20200424_130310 Maurice de Broglie 1875-
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20200424_130220 Convention du Metre_1975

International Bureau of Weights and Measures 1875-1975 Meter Convention


The stamp represents on the left the signatures and the seal of the first convention of the definition of the meter on May 20, 1875, on the right the atom of Krypton 86 with a reminder of the international system of measurements ( SI ) resulting from the MKSA system (meter- kg-second-amp) and below the multiplier 1650 765.73 of the radiation from Kr 86 which served for the new definition of the meter on October 14, 1960.


Stamp from 1975


Charles Jules Henri Nicolle ( September 21, 1866 in Rouen, France - February 28, 1936 in Tunis) is a French doctor and microbiologist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1928.


Stamp from 1958

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20200424_132250 Widal_1958_GF.jpg

Fernand Georges Isidore Widal , born March 9, 1862 in Dellys (Algeria) and died January 14, 1929 in Paris is a French doctor and bacteriologist renowned for his work on kidney disease, vaccination and serological diagnosis of typhoid fever , and more generally his research on infectious diseases.


Stamp from 1958


Philippe Pinel ( April 20, 1745 at Jonquières in the Tarn - October 25, 1826in Paris) is a French scientist: renowned physician as a pioneer in psychiatry and, incidentally, a zoologist. It works for the abolition of the hindrance of the mentally ill by chains and, more generally, for the humanization of their treatment. He worked in particular at the Bicêtre hospital. We owe him the first classification of mental illnesses. He had a great influence on psychiatry and the treatment of the insane in Europe and the United States. After the French Revolution, Doctor Pinel turns the eyes on the mad (or "insane") by affirming that they can be understood and cared for. He advocates the "moral treatment" of the patient who foreshadows our modern psychotherapies.


Stamp from 1958

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20200424_132335 Leriche_1958_GF.jpg

René Leriche , born October 12, 1879 in Roanne and died December 28, 1955 in Cassis, is a French surgeon and physiologist, specialist in pain, vascular surgery and sympathetic trunk. Sensitized by the many cripples of the First World War, he was one of the first to take an interest in pain and to practice gentle surgery, blood-saving and as little traumatic as possible. Two syndromes bear his name, algoneurodystrophy and aortoiliac obliteration. He trained many students including: Michael E. DeBakey


Stamp from 1958


Henri Mondor 1885-1962


(20 May 1885, Saint-Cernin, Cantal – 6 April 1962) was a French physician, surgeon, and a historian of French literature and medicine.

Mondor was a professor of clinical surgery in Paris and became a member of the French Académie Nationale de Médecine in 1945, The Académie française in 1946 and The Academy of Science in 1961. He is known for his studies of rectal cancer and urgent diagnosis, and Mondor's disease, which is a thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the breast and anterior chest wall, is named in his honour. He was also a writer.


Stamp from 1982

20200424_132101 Henri Mondor 1885-1962 H
medical_philately_stamps_dr_Amir_Monir_medicalphilately.com_ Henri Mondor 1885-1962
20200424_132435 Elie Metchnikoff 1845-19

Ilya Ilitch Metchnikov, francized in Élie Metchnikoff , (born May 15, 1845 in Ivanovka near Kharkov, current Ukraine and died July 15, 1916 in Paris) is a zoologist and bacteriologist subject of the Russian Empire. We owe to Metchnikov the discovery of the immune defense mechanisms against bacteria by means of white blood cells: phagocytosis. He is with Paul Ehrlich co-winner of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1908 .

In the background of the stamp is Institute of Pasteur in Paris


Stamp from 1966

medical_philately_stamps_dr_Amir_Monir_medicalphilately.com_ Elie Metchnikoff 1845-19

Louis Pasteur, chemist and biologist (1822-1895)

Louis Pasteur , born in Dole (Jura) on December 27, 1822 and died in Marnes-la-Coquette (at that time in Seine-et-Oise) on September 28, 1895 , is a French scientist, chemist and physicist by training, pioneer of microbiology, which, during its very lifetime, became widely known for having developed a vaccine against rabies. Louis Pasteur was not a doctor, which is why he had great difficulty getting his theories accepted by the medical profession. He is the founder of bacteriology, he notably developed the rabies vaccine and the so-called pasteurization techniques intended to sterilize drinks and food. On July 6, 1885 Louis Pasteur practice the first vaccination against rabies on the young Joseph Meister


Stamp from 1973

20200424_132404 Louis Pasteur - 1822-189
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Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch ( December 11, 1843 in Clausthal, Germany - May 27, 1910 in Baden-Baden, Germany) is a German doctor known for his discovery of the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis which bears his name: "Koch bacillus". The work he carried out to discover it won him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. He was one of the founders of bacteriology. It was on March 24, 1882 that Robert Koch announced that he had succeeded in isolating the bacillus from tuberculosis; March 24 was chosen to be World Tuberculosis Day


Stamp from 1982


Centenary of the discovery of the leprosy bacillus

Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen , born July 29, 1841 in Bergen and died February 12, 1912 in Florø (Norway), is a Norwegian bacteriologist and dermatologist. He remained famous for his discovery in 1873 of the "Hansen bacillus" ( Mycobacterium leprae ), the bacteria responsible for leprosy. This discovery is of historic importance, as it is the first demonstration of a causal relationship between a bacterium and a known disease.
Hansen left his name to both the disease (a convenient eponymy to avoid pronouncing before the patients the dreaded name of a stigmatizing and incurable disease at that time) and to the bacteria responsible


Stamp from 1973

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20200424_132905  Quinine_1970_GF.jpg

1820 Discovery of quinine Pelletier and Caventou

Pierre Joseph Pelletier , born April 22, 1788 and died July 19, 1842 , is a French pharmacist and chemist. He did important research on alkaloids of plant origin and discovered with Joseph Caventou quinine and strychnine.

Joseph Bienaimé Caventou (1795–1877) is a French pharmacist born in Saint-Omer, died in Paris at 29 rue de La Sourdière on May 5, 1877. He worked closely with Joseph Pelletier for twenty-five years, from 1817 to 1842. This team was a pioneer in the use of light solvents to isolate the active ingredients from plants. They created their own factory to produce the quinine used to treat malaria but published their discovery in order to allow its wider dissemination.


Stamp from 1970


Doctor Albert Schweitzer 1875-1965


Doctor, pastor of the Reformed Church and theologian, born in Kaysersberg (Haut-Rhin) on January 14, 1875 , died in Lambaréné (Gabon) on September 4, 1965 . In 1913 he founded his first hospital in Lambaréné (Gabon). Nobel Peace Prize in 1952


Stamp from 1975

20200424_132824  Albert Schweitzer 1875-
medical_philately_stamps_dr_Amir_Monir_medicalphilately.com_  Albert Schweitzer 1875-
20200424_132938  Claude Bernard 1813 - 1

Claude Bernard , born July 12, 1813 in Saint-Julien (Rhône) and died February 10, 1878 in Paris, is a French doctor and physiologist.

Considered the founder of experimental medicine, he in particular left his name to Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome. We owe him the notions of interior environment and homeostasis, foundations of modern biology.


Stamp from 1978

medical_philately_stamps_dr_Amir_Monir_medicalphilately.com_  Claude Bernard 1813 - 1

France Student Health Foundation Study anyway

"Study anyway" is the motto of the French Student Health Foundation, created by UNEF in 1923 to deal with the acute problem of tuberculosis, which required long-term treatment and made further studies difficult.


Stamp from 1975

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medical_philately_stamps_dr_Amir_Monir_medicalphilately.com_  Rehabilitation assistan

Rehabilitation assistance


Stamp from 1978

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Professional reclassification of the paralyzed


Stamp from 1964

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World Games for the Physically Handicapped


Stamp from 1970

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