Theodor Billroth Operating
The Theodor Billroth Operating painting by Adalbert Seligmann (1890) shows the German surgeon Theodor Billroth operating in the auditorium of Vienna General Hospital, significantly displaying all the participants wearing "white coats". The painting is exhibited in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna, Austria.
This commemorative stamp celebrating the 33rd international convention of the Austrian Surgical Society depicts Theodor Billroth performing surgery as he holds a lecture. The surgeon, born on April 26, 1829 on the island of Ruegen in Bergen, was the founder of the Second Medical School of Vienna and lead surgery of his day into world fame. In keeping with this tradition, the Austrian Surgical Society was founded in 1958, which today functions as an umbrella organization for 13 associations and affiliated specialty societies. Austria's easternmost province, Burgenland, was chosen to host the 1992 congress, which was meant to emphasize the Central European meeting point of surgeons from East and West.